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Changing the world through design

      The design is appreciated for various reasons across the globe among which is people’s love for things. Naturally, people have a sense of appreciation for objects such as tools, fancy gadgets, and other artifacts. As a result, people automatically grow to appreciate design since it is the process that leads to the objects they grow attracted to (Chochinov).Before any project is designed, an evaluation is conducted to assess the purpose, needs, and outcomes that will arise from it. By determining the nature of a product before designing it, designers are able to control the repercussions that will come about from implementing a specific project (Chochinov). Therefore, designing can be focus towards achieving good results and in doing so, change the world positively. To achieve this, designers need to shift the view they have towards their finished products and the contribution the play to society. Designers tend to believe that they belong to the artifact business where their designs may not have that much of an impact on the world (Chochinov).

       If the design is to be used as a tool for changing the world, designers need to stop being trendsetters who follow market trends (Chochinov). At present, most designers find different ways to improve existing projects instead of coming up with new ones regardless of whether their input was positive or negative. There is also the need for everyone to contribute in changing the world especially in dealing with issues like global warming. The efficiency of design is that problems that exist in the world can either be addressed as design problems or resolved using design related solutions (Chochinov).

            If people accepted the use of design to solve problems, society will abandon its policy of consuming things just for the sake of it. The importance of design must, therefore, be recognized and taught in schools and practiced in design firms. Designs must, therefore, shift their focus from pleasing clients and take a more positive approach that is geared towards benefiting society. Designers must pay attention to what they are designing and the impact it will have on society. By doing so, they will discover various ways of making positive designs and in doing so, change the world.




Chochinov E. “Design revolution: 100 products that empower people”

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